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Several years ago my leading students and practitioners in Australia created a powerful Breathing Protocol called 3 Paces, Spaces, and Intentions.

It helps you to awaken body intelligence, heart intelligence, and mind intelligence. It is a powerful ritual that primes you for a beautiful and productive day.

I have been sharing it all over the world, and each time I do, it grows and expands and deepens. It has morphed and evolved into a very potent and juicy practice.

Now it is comprised of:

3 Breathing spaces
3 Breathing paces
3 Intentions
3 Movements
3 Sounds
3 Visualizations

First, it is good to remember something that Eckart Tolle said:

“When you watch a child play, they don’t get joy out of what they do. They put joy into what they do.

And that applies perfectly to Breathwork, because what you get out of Breathing depends on what you put into it! So the first thing you want to put into it is passion or enthusiasm!

We have 3 breathing spaces: a lower, a middle, and an upper. So we start with the lower breathing space. And the breathing pace is slow and full.

When breathing into the lower breathing space, your intention is to connect to the earth, to anchor and ground yourself to the earth, to exchange energy between your body and the earth.

Focus on thoughts or affirmations about safety and security. Use the breath sound “ooo” (as in root chakra.)

Trees are lucky. They have roots and so their identity is at one with the earth. We don’t have roots, and so we need to consciously connect to the earth.

Use your hands and arms to express and reflect your intention, what you are doing with your energy when you breathe. Visualize what is happening.

Next Breathe into your heart space. The pace of the breathing picks up. It is more active. And the breath sound is “aahh”.

Focus on the qualities of the heart–love, appreciation, gratitude while you breathe. And have the intention to connect to everyone and everything on earth. Use your hands and arms to reflect what you are doing with your energy.

Then breathe up into your upper breathing space. The breaths are smaller, and the pace is quicker. The breath sound is a higher frequency. It is an “eeee” sound. Your intention is to brighten your mind, and connect to higher energies, heavenly realms, ascended beings.

You can make this a 3 minute protocol, breathing for one minute into each space. Or a nine minute protocol: 3 minutes into each space. You can take one breath into each space, and breathe up and down thru the 3 spaces, playing with the 3 paces, and intentions.

Remember to use your hands and arms to express and reflect your intentions and what you are doing with your energy. Play with different breath sounds with each space and pace.

You may want to focus more on one space than another, depending on what you are preparing for that day, or what your intuition guides you to focus on.

Be like a child. Put passion, enthusiasm and emotion into each breath.

Have fun. Be creative. Awaken body intelligence, heart intelligence, and mind intelligence.

You are now ready to show up fully for whatever your day holds!

Good luck in your practice, and many blessings on your path.

Dan (Guchu Ram Singh)
July 2024

Breath Mastery Admin

Author Breath Mastery Admin

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