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Breath Mastery Admin

Breathing to Awaken and Balance Instinct, Intellect and Intuition

By Focus & Concentration

Recently at the seminars, we have been focusing on using the breath to awaken body intelligence or instinct, mind intelligence or intellect, and heart intelligence or intuition.
Many people are trying to get through life using only their intellect or mind intelligence. Yet, we have two other centers of consciousness waiting to be awakened and accessed. All together we have three brains: one in our head, one in our heart, and one in our gut.

With breathwork, we can tap into all three brains and therefore be fully present, create deeper connections, make better decisions, and keep ourselves safer. First, consider that you have three breathing spaces: a lower breathing space from the perineum to the belly button, a middle breathing space from the belly button to the nipple line, and an upper breathing space from the nipple line to the chin. Read More

Breathwork and the Art of Relaxation

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We have been pounding on the basics and focusing on the fundamentals at the seminars lately. And one of those basic fundamentals is RELAXATION. Some of you may know that relaxation is one of the three elements in the Formula for Transformation, and it is one of the three Cornerstones of Breath Mastery.

Anyone can relax. The question is how deeply can you relax? How quickly can you relax? How completely or how totally can you relax? And in the face of what situations can you relax? In the middle of what circumstances can you relax?
Relaxation Training is important because it’s not just a matter of being relaxed or not relaxed: there are levels of relaxation. And the fact is, no matter how relaxed you are, you can always relax more. Read More

Accessing an Ocean of Energy with Breathwork!

By Performance & Energy

Recently, we have taken the “fundamentals of breath mastery” to the high-tech, high-
performance, high-rolling, entrepreneurial world of California and Las Vegas! We also brought
the art and science of breathwork to the west coast fitness world.
The benefits of breathwork are well proven and easily experienced. Breathwork is the new
yoga! It is modern meditation! Healthy successful people who value their time appreciate how
quickly breathwork increases awareness, energy, and inner peace. Read More

Modern Techniques and Ancient Rituals

By Health & Longevity

Conscious Breathing has played a part in shamanic rituals and ancient indigenous ceremonies since the beginning of time. The breath is symbolized in many creation myths, and it is applied in many initiation rites and religious practices.

Breathworkers all over the world are now using the power of the breath to awaken inner peace and to promote world peace. Conscious breathing is being used to support healing and growth, to trigger awakening, to fuel performance, and to unlock hidden powers and dormant abilities.

Here is a good exercise to tune your instrument and to prime your system: Read More

Breathing Strength & Capacity is linked to Spiritual Strength & Capacity

By Spiritual Connectedness

I recently had the pleasure to work with a group of hockey players and coaches at Competitive Edge Skating and Strength Training in Michigan. And I’d like to share with you some of the tips and techniques we covered in the three days of work with these great young athletes.

First, a reminder of the basics: Breath Awareness and Conscious Breathing. Develop the habit of paying attention to your breath while you are exercising, training, or performing. And deliberately regulate or consciously pace your breathing to meet your body’s energy demands. Read More

Feeling Into the Breath and Breathing Into Feelings

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Feelings or emotions like fear, anger, sadness, guilt, shame, doubt, and so on, are very powerful forces. When left to run wild, they can cause us to say or do things that we regret. And when held in or held back, they can fester as illness and disease. They can paralyze us or empower us. They can silence us or drive us to success.

Emotions are very healthy and natural energies. And like all energies, they are meant to flow. Feelings and emotions mean we are alive. They are not meant to be stopped, blocked, or suppressed. And they are not meant to be used as weapons to hurt ourselves or others. If we lash out or project our uncomfortable emotions, we can hurt others. If we stifle or suppress them, we can hurt ourselves. No wonder so many good people wrestle with their feelings. Read More

Breathwork in Sports, Athletics and Fitness Training

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I recently had the pleasure to work with a group of hockey players and coaches at Competitive Edge Skating and Strength Training in Michigan. And I’d like to share with you some of the tips and techniques we covered in the three days of work with these great young athletes.

First, a reminder of the basics: Breath Awareness and Conscious Breathing. Develop the habit of paying attention to your breath while you are exercising, training, or performing. And deliberately regulate or consciously pace your breathing to meet your body’s energy demands. Read More

The Essence of Breathwork

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You may have noticed that Breathwork is coming of age! It is being applied by more and more people in the fitness, sports and peak performance world, in medicine and psychotherapy, in martial arts and the military, in the creative arts and in the corporate world.

My friend Leonard Orr once said: “Breathing for healing and growth is so easy, it’s like cheating!” After over 40 years of study and practice, teaching and learning, the essence of the practice has become quite clear to me, and it explains why so many people are getting such amazing results from Breathwork. Read More

Control Your Breath to Control Yourself

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There is no longer any argument about it: the practice of Breathwork enhances performance in sports and business. It improves health and increases enjoyment in everyday life.

It is being used everywhere—from the battlefield to the playing field, from the classroom to the courtroom, from the boardroom to the bedroom.

When you control your breath, you control your energy and your awareness. When you control your breath, you control your body and your chemistry. When you control your breath, you control your attitude and your emotions. Read More

Start the Year with a Walk: A Breath Walk!

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We are into the new year… filled with promise and possibilities… Many people start the year with the intention to get more exercise. A simple start in this direction is to take a daily walk. Maybe you already have that habit. In that case, I invite you to make it a ‘Breathwalk’.

Maybe you have decided to take your life in a new direction, to change your pace—to speed up or to slow down.Maybe you have reached a comfortable plateau and this year is about settling in or settling down. I invite you to use conscious energy breathingto express, reflect and fuel your intentions. Read More

Here come the Holidays!

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Expect stress levels to be high for many if not most of us over the next few weeks!

As if we are not busy enough. As if there aren’t already more than enough things to do. I just breathed with a guy who was pressing to finish a number of work projects before the year’s end. And after work, it is all about shopping and cooking, office parties, religious duties, and family gatherings Read More


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Pace, Space, Intention

I love it when someone digests what I teach, blends it with what they have learned from others, integrates it into their own experience and practice, and then passes it on in a clear, effective, and powerful way.

This is exactly the case with Shane Saunders, one of our One Sky Practitioners in Australia. And so, this month I would like to share with you what we could call a 20-minute Breathing Workout. A great way to start your day!
This unique Breathwork Protocol focuses on three aspects of Breath Mastery Training: Read More

Take a Deep Breath. It’s Back to School Time!

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Hey kids! Hey teachers! Are you feeling a bit nervous about the start of a new school year? That’s a good, healthy thing, you know! It is perfectly normal to feel anxious when facing a challenge or beginning a new adventure.

The nervousness we all feel at times like these is simply the awakening of our creative energy. It’s fuel for life. If we resist it, we feel fear, but if we welcome it, we feel excitement! You can learn to channel your life force in ways that not only help you to overcome fear and anxiety but assist in meeting and mastering any challenge. Read More

Breathe Your Stress Away With 4 Simple Techniques

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Dan Brulé, author of Just Breathe, is a pioneer in the field of Breathwork, and a world-renowned leader of the Spiritual Breathing movement. A former US Navy Deep Sea Diver, he is one of the originators of Breath Therapy, a Master of Prana Yoga (The Hindu Science of Breath), and an expert in Chi Kung (Chinese Medical Breathing Exercises). His new book, Just Breathe, is on sale now from Atria Books, an imprint of our sister company, Simon & Schuster.If you are among the more than 40 million Americans who suffer from an anxiety disorder, or if you are one of the 75 million who have high blood pressure, I have good news for you. You can make stress and anxiety—and even high blood pressure—a thing of the past! How? Through conscious breathing, also called breathwork. Read More

The Art of Spiritual Breathing

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Do you want to open to something higher in yourself? Use your breath. Are you ready to make room in your life for something greater? Use your breath. Are you ready to let go of something that no longer serves you, or that has been holding you back? Use your breath. Are you ready to unleash your creative powers? Use your breath!

I have taken the Art of Spiritual Breathing to over 50 countries in the past 35 years. And one of the most powerful spiritual breathing techniques that we have developed can be summed up in a breathing mantra. And that is: “Open and Expand. Relax and let Go.” Read More

Leaning into the Exhale: How to Use Your Breath to De-Stress

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With the hectic holiday season just around the corner and with all the craziness going on in the world, we need a way to stay calm, centered and relaxed. So this month I want to talk about using breathwork for preventing and eliminating stress, work-life balance, and relaxation.

My friend and multiple world record holder Stig Severinsen sums up the anti-stress, anti-anxiety breathing rule of thumb in this way: “relaxation is in the exhalation.” What that means is, if you want to relax, stay calm, or reduce your anxiety, you need to learn how to “lean into the exhale.” Read More

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