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Breath Mastery Admin

Ceremonial Breathing

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This month I would like to share with you a unique breathing practice taught by Michael Brian Baker. He is an independent breathworker, and has not trained with any of the well-known Rebirthing or Breathwork schools. I love his approach, and I love him. Michael is very conscious of energy, and he understands how breathing can ignite vital force in the body. He is devoted to guiding as many people as possible toward an experience of this universal life force.

Like many of us, Michael had a spontaneous awakening to the Spirit of Breath. And more than that, he embodies a sacred tradition that began in prehistoric Africa, spread to ancient Egypt, and then inspired the early yogis of India. His teachings bring together the modern consciousness movement and personal growth seminars like EST (the Forum) and Insight, with the Shaktipat experience and South American Medicine Ceremonies. He refers to his work as Ceremonial Breathing, and as a journey of emersion into self-realization. Read More

Nasal Inhale Oral Exhale

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Breathe in through the nose and breathe out through the mouth. We have been exploring this breathing pattern at the breathwork seminars and trainings lately. “Breathe in through the nose and breathe out through the mouth.” Simple instructions. Powerful Breathing pattern.

This nasal inhale and oral exhale exercise is used by martial artists and athletes. With practice, you can learn to literally suck pain and fatigue out of your muscles and release it from your body. You can also dramatically increase your focus and concentration, and you can center and relax yourself. Read More

Focus on Breathing

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This month I have been focusing on breathing with many experienced breathwork practitioners. This includes a host of professional breathworkers from around the world who gathered for the 23rd Annual Global Inspiration Conference in South Africa; and it includes some of our advanced students in Russia, as well as the many seasoned breathers and members of the practitioner training group in Lithuania. It also includes skype consultations and online meetings with my VIP members.

Here are some of the things that breathworkers and conscious breathers focus on when breathing, and while coaching, facilitating, or supporting others during a breathing session. These are things we observe, explore, and discuss in ourselves and others: Read More

Breathwork and Brainwaves

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I am in no way an expert on the brain, but I have done quite a bit of personal study and experimenting in American and Russian bio-feedback labs in the 80’s and 90’s. And through study and practice, observations and discussions, I’ve learned some very interesting things about breathwork and brainwave activity.

Throughout our nights and days, we cycle through a range of brainwave states. These cycles regulate our sleeping and waking rhythms, and they reflect our changing experiences and states of being. They come down to these five frequencies: Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, and Theta. Read More

Practicing Breathwork. Honoring Ancient Practices

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Many people know that I am a yogi. I was initiated and given the name Guchu Ram Singh in August of 1980 by the legendary Haidakhan Babaji. He is known as the Immortal Yogi Christ of India and is written about in the classic book, “Autobiography of a Yogi.” He was Pramahansa Yogananda’s guru’s guru’s guru.

And so, I am blessed to be part of an ancient living lineage. I’m a bonified, card carrying practicing yogi even though I no longer shave my head and I haven’t worn robes or carried prayer beads around with me for many years. You could say I am a western yogi, or a yogi in disguise. Read More

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