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Dan Brule

Spiritual Breathing and the Path of Fire and Light

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This month I would like to focus on the highest benefits of Breathwork and the ultimate goal of Spiritual Breathing. Our Breathe India Tour has reawakened my original inspirations and has helped me to reconnect with the ancient roots and source of this practice.

Breathwork has finally entered the mainstream, and that is wonderful news. In fact, for me it’s a lifelong dream come true! But I am sad to say that today, many so-called elders, experts, leaders, and many people who profess to be ’breathing masters’ are not at all suited to this sacred work.

And so, one of the first things I want to say is that Spiritual Breathing and the Path of Breath Mastery is not for everyone. It is not for those who buy into or support victim mentality or indulge in spiritual materialism. It’s not for ‘wanna-be therapists’ or self-righteous, high-horse people with guru complexes. Read More

Breath Mastery: A Personal Journey

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I have been a missionary for the breath my entire life. Breathwork has always been my passion (pass-I-on), and it became my profession (profess-I-on). In fact, I have been teaching breath and breathing exercises, techniques, and meditations, for healing and growth, self-improvement and spiritual development since 1970.

I have studied every ancient and modern school, style, approach, and method there is, and I have met every living master I could find, in India, China, Europe and Russia over the last 50 years.

Whenever I heard about someone who was teaching breath, I ended up breathing down their neck or kissing their feet! So far, I have travelled to 67 countries and as a practitioner, I have had my hands on over two hundred and fifty thousand people. Read More

A Simple Approach to a Successful Breathwork Session

By Breathmastery

I have been a ‘missionary for the breath’ since I resuscitated my first patient while training as an X-Ray Technician at Boston City Hospital in 1970. I went on to certify over 5000 CPR Technicians and Instructor Trainers in a half dozen states across the US, for the American Red Cross and the American Heart Association.

I practiced breath holding and taught breath control as a Medical Deep Sea Diver and an Underwater Rescue Specialist for the US Navy. In 1976, I was trained as a Rebirther and began teaching Breath Awareness and Conscious Breathing for “Stress and Coping” at the University of Massachusetts. The first workshop was for Red Cross Disaster Relief Volunteers.

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Notes on the Practice and Process of Rebirthing Breathwork

By Breathmastery

This month in Our Breath Mastery Training, we have been exploring the practice and process of Rebirthing Breathwork developed by Leonard Orr.

One of the first seminars in the Rebirthing program was called the Spiritual Psychology Seminar.” A central idea in Spiritual Psychology is the idea that “Thought is Creative.”

This means we create our experience of life and reality with our conscious and unconscious mind. And the principle is simple: positive thoughts produce positive results and negative thoughts produce negative results.

We learned that as soon as we change our thoughts and beliefs, our experience of the wo Read More

The Skill of Happiness

By Breathmastery

During one of our recent Online Breath Mastery Training sessions, we played with a wonderful style of Breathwork created by Jim Leonard called Vivation. I also teach this practice in the O2 Fundamentals Course. And this month, I invite you to master it.

There are a couple of very powerful concepts in Vivation. The first one is that “joy is inherent in existence.” This means that all you need to be happy is to exist. And it also means that if you are not experiencing happiness, then you must be doing something to block the natural joy that comes from simply being alive.

When it comes to emotions, most people think there are two choices: either expression or suppression. Vivation teaches us a very practical and transformational third option. And that is “Integration.” Read More

The Four Modes of Breathing

By Breathmastery

This month I’d like to share with you one of the Breathing Drills that I teach in the New 6-Month Breath Mastery Training.

This is being called my ‘Legacy Training’ because it contains the most important exercises, techniques, and meditations, and the most popular lessons, taken from all the seminars and workshops I’ve done over the past 47 years.

By the way, it’s not too late to enroll in this Online Training. In fact, because you are a Breath Mastery Subscriber, we will extend the early bird discount if you enroll in the next two weeks.  Read More

My Renewal and Re-Commitment to Breathwork

By Breathmastery

I’m a Missionary for the Breath and a teacher of Breathwork because it gives everyone with a belly button a way to eliminate or prevent an immeasurable amount of human suffering. But the main reason I teach and preach Breath Awareness and Conscious is because it is an irresistible and unavoidable calling. It is a personal mission and the main purpose of my life.Breathwork can awaken us to the truth, and to reality, and it can connect us to the source and essence of our being. It is truly transformative. It offers us a beautiful and powerful way to love and serve humanity and to support and uplift each other. It is a genuine spiritual path and a practical method of personal and planetary healing and growth.
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Chinese Medical Breathing Exercises

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As some of you might know, in the mid 80’s, I visited Communist China to study Chi Kung (Also called Qigong) with Master Hu Bin. And I wrote a small book—a training manual—called Chinese Medical Breathing Exercises: A Brief Introduction.

Hu Bin was a perfect teacher for me because he was not only the greatest living Chi Kung Master at the time, but he was also a medical doctor and a university professor. For several years, he served as the head of the Public Health Department in Beijing. And he combined Traditional Chinese Medicine with Modern Medical Science.

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Combining Conscious Connected Breathing with Affirmations

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The use of positive affirmations is a very important part of healing and growth, and an important part of Breathwork training and the Breathwork process. Good Breathworkers are good at creating positive affirmations for themselves and their clients. And we encourage our clients to get good at creating affirmations for themselves and others.

Affirmations are meant to neutralize, dissolve, replace, or cancel any negative or limiting thoughts that we have taken on about ourselves, life, others and the world. Affirmations are like seeds that we plant in our consciousness to soothe, strengthen and uplift ourselves—in mind, body and spirit. Read More

Healthy Lungs and Healthy Humans

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For three years in a row, Breathwork has been the leading trend in wellness globally. It seems that everyone is jumping on the Breathing bandwagon these days. And I say: It’s about time! Because it’s basically impossible to be a healthy human if you are not a healthy breather!

Just about every physical, emotional, and psychological issue or problem can be linked to dysfunctional breathing habits and patterns. In fact, respiratory health and breathing capacity is one of the strongest indicators of life expectancy and longevity. And did you know that up to 60 percent of 911 ambulance calls in America’s largest cities are related to breathing disorders? Read More

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